Update #1
vor 3 Monaten

It’s that time of year again, when I come bearing hat in hand for the annual fundraiser. This year, I am requesting for your support for Medecins Sans Frontiers or Doctors Without Borders.

Imagine finding yourself or your most beloved person hurt, injured and in need of medical attention. Now imagine this happens in the middle of nowhere or in a place where emergency services cannot get to you. Just as you’re beginning to give up hope, MSF gets to you or your loved one.

This unfortunate but very real scenario is happening as we speak to so many people. With your support, Doctors Without Borders / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is able to respond directly to emergencies and provide vital medical care to people affected by epidemics, natural disasters or conflicts, as well as to forgotten or neglected communities.

I hope you will consider contributing to the campaign. I will match the total value of the contributions made via this appeal. Every cent counts when the going gets tough.


Warum ich mich für Arbeitsbereiche von Ärzte ohne Grenzen einsetze

Arbeitsbereiche von Ärzte ohne Grenzen

Dank Ihrer Spende kann Ärzte ohne Grenzen/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) dort tätig werden, wo humanitäre und medizinische Hilfe am dringendsten gebraucht wird: bei Epidemien und Naturkatastrophen, bei bewaffneten Konflikten und an der Seite von Menschen, die keinen Zugang zu medizinischer Versorgung haben.

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Spenden erhalten 3

CHF 36
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